It’s been unknown since when a VPN becomes so popular at school that it’s been regarded as a must-have tool for college or university students.
Based on the VPN statistics for 2020 published by DataProt, more than one-third of VPN users are between the ages of 16 and 24, which indicates a school period.

There is more than one reason for a VPN getting extremely high popularity among college or university students. And you should be clear about it because a VPN is genuinely able to protect students’ online security and privacy on the Internet.
What does a VPN do to Help College or University Students?
To beat firewalls to access restricted networks
To beat firewalls to access restricted networks is the first motivation for students to use a VPN at the campus.
If your school is like most other schools, major social networking websites, gaming sites, and streaming services would be blocked for you. This means that you can’t watch your favorite Netflix shows, can’t chat with your friends over Facebook, can’t watch videos on YouTube, or can’t play your favorite games.
Various schools and universities have active firewalls that block certain IP addresses and regulate online content religiously. More often than not, authorities block and regulate the online content to ensure that both students and teachers focus on studies and work. Well, you must be feeling better because your school or university is not the only one that does this. However, this could be daunting and frustrating. That’s why a VPN is used to unblock school WiFi.
However, here is the good news. You can do all this and more with the help of a VPN. The VPN allows you to bypass your school firewall like a pro. This way, you can stream and play freely without any worries and interruptions. What’s more, you can also torrent on the go. Most schools disable P2P file-sharing, but you can get around this with the help of the best VPN. A VPN provides an encrypted end-to-end tunnel where school firewalls can be bypassed to straightly connect with any Internet content, including social media, online video gaming, streaming videos, etc.

To avoid being tracked by authorities while browsing the Internet
If your school or university often keeps a close eye on your online activities and traces your web history, this means that the authorities know what you are up to online. Does this bother you? Regarded as the best free VPN, SkyVPN could help you out here by allowing you to browse privately such that neither your school IT admin nor your internet service provider will be able to monitor your online activities.
Do you know that all browsers have private browsing modes? For example, the private browsing mode on Google Chrome is called Incognito that partially protects users’ online privacy. However, the protection only works for those sharing the same computer in case they can know exactly about others’ online activities.
To securely use public WiFi
Your school Wi-Fi might be password-protected, but it is not 100 percent secure. This means that it has its own loopholes, and young hackers can easily hack this network, steal your private details, and snoop on you. They might even get access to your online bank accounts, research notes, delete papers and perform all kinds of fraudulent activities or seduce you to provide personal data through spam emails.
Well, they are all the dangers of using a public Wi-Fi network. Thankfully, you can keep yourself secure with the best VPN while using an open network whether it be in your school, in a restaurant or in a shopping mall.
All you need to do is use SkyVPN. This best VPN works by establishing a secure tunnel between your computer and the rest of the internet. All the websites you visit and the activities you perform are made to pass through this tunnel through the latest encryption protocols and communication standards. It ensures your complete security and helps you stay safe.
How to Choose a VPN that Does Work at School?
Undoubtedly, there is an array of VPNs available out there in the market, each with their own tall claims. A VPN is a handy tool that can be easily installed and used. Privacy protections should last for your whole life so considerations should be carefully taken before the final decision is made.
Free vs Paid VPN
Some VPNs allow users to use for free in order to attract them to buy their paid service. Free VPNs mainly have two styles. One is totally free and users are allowed to earn online traffic or online time by completing tasks published by the service provider. The other is limitedly free and users can only use it for free for 3 or 7 days, which is usually called 3-day/7-day money back free trial.
Basically, the technology behind the mode remains the same no matter free or paid service is selected. The key consideration to take lies in whether users would like to take some time to earn free traffic or directly pay for instant service. Nevertheless, the free trial still provides access to users to test a VPN.
Really Work?
Do you really trust the VPN you’re using? Do you hear about the 7 VPNs leading to 1.2T data breach? It’s so humiliating and horrifying to hear such news. Therefore, to avoid using such unreliable VPNs, a no-log VPN is dramatically suggested because it doesn’t keep any record of users’ online activities.

Advanced Features
VPNs now keep gradually being upgraded and more advanced features are developed to customize users’ demands on cybersecurity and privacy protections. For example, a VPN kill switch is used to call for a sudden halt for the network connection when the VPN connection is cut mostly due to uncertain causes. It keeps online protections always available no matter what happens.
DNS leak test is an advanced feature embedded in a VPN service to monitor whether an unencrypted DNS server is used to transmit your queries. DNS leak test VPN has its own DNS server with full encryption that effectively protects your online data from being tracked or misused by the wrong hands.
VPN split tunnel allows partial devices, websites, or applications to go through the encrypted tunnel while the rest of the devices, websites, or applications directly get connected to the internet. With split tunnel used, you can protect the traffic that is closely correlated with your online security and privacy on one hand; you can get access to LAN on the other hand.
All the advanced features refer to the latest progress of a VPN and they should be contained in the feature list if detailed protections are required.