[FAQ] What’s the Difference Between Basic Data and Premium Data on SkyVPN?

skyvpn FAQs

SkyVPN is the best free VPN, fast and secure.

TechRadar labels SkyVPN as “Budget-friendly and Super-fast”.

So, SkyVPN has become a must-have tool for college students to unblock WiFi restrictions while they are at campus and 35% of its users are students.

How to use SkyVPN smartly for free, then? This article will tell you.

Both Basic and Premium data on SkyVPN can be used for free.

It’s absolutely true!

Generally speaking, as far as premium is concerned, it should be paid for it. However, it isn’t the case in SkyVPN.

On SkyVPN, both Basic and Premium data can be used free of charge.

Now that they are both free, how different are Basic and Premium data on SkyVPN?

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Basic Data Leads to a Low Speed while Premium Data a High Speed.

While SkyVPN Basic mode is on, an Internet speed of at most 2Mbps is got, which is sufficient for text browsing or social media while failing to meet the demands of streaming and gaming.

basic vs premium data 1

Basic Data has only ONE VPN server while Premium covers ALL locations.

SkyVPN Basic data has only one VPN server, a US server while its Premium data covers all SkyVPN locations, covering almost all over the world. The unique US server for Basic data is for general applications so too many users at the same time may lead to traffic jams with a snoozing speed. In terms of premium data, however, all VPN servers are available to meet your numerous demands and to provide you with the widest selections.

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Basic Data has limited data while Premium can be used without limit.

Basic data is limitedly provided to SkyVPN users that have a different amount of traffic based on different geological locations. Each user has a data limit every day and once the data is used up, the basic mode will automatically end and your SkyVPN won’t be able to be used.

Premium data, however, doesn’t have a limit for daily usage. As long as sufficient data has been earned by users, they’ll be able to use it without limit. Their SkyVPN account will play a role as a wallet holding their earned data traffic.

Basic Data is fixed while Premium data can be earned and collected.

SkyVPN Basic data is fixed with limited data every day while Premium data can be earned and collected in the account. Numerous ways are available to earn Premium traffic on SkyVPN like watching videos, daily check-in, inviting friends, etc. If luckily, as much as 1GB Premium traffic can be earned in just one day from SkyVPN.

premium traffic earning

How to switch from Basic mode to Premium mode on SkyVPN?

Basically, the default mode on SkyVPN is the basic mode, which is as the interface below.

skyvpn basic mode

Tap the “SkyVPN Basic” button at the bottom of the interface and select “Premium” and Premium mode will be switched. If the Premium mode is successfully switched, the following interface will be seen.

skyvpn premium mode

Tap the “+Add” button and you’ll be able to earn Premium traffic.

How different is SkyVPN free Premium from Premium subscription?

Although SkyVPN can be used for free, you can still pay for it for better service, Premium Subscription.

VPN Servers

Although free Premium service has already covered all locations, Premium subscription covers more. Apart from ordinary geological servers, Premium subscription has servers for special applications like streaming and gaming.

vpn server list for streaming and gaming

Even the same geological servers, different performance will be obtained as Premium service is subscribed since different server nodes are selected.

Internet Speed

The speed for Premium subscription is 5 times of that of free Premium on SkyVPN based on different VPN servers.

One Account with Multiple Devices

A Premium subscription account can be used on up to 5 devices simultaneously so that your SkyVPN account can be shared with your family or friends.


SkyVPN Premium subscription has no ads so that you’ll be able to enjoy your online browsing fast and efficiently.

skyvpn premium service

Bottom Line

SkyVPN can be used for free.

SkyVPN free traffic is classified into Basic mode and Premium mode.

The basic mode only meets the fundamental browsing demand while the free Premium mode is quite worth trying.

SkyVPN also has Premium subscription mode leading to higher speed, better performance, and more VPN servers compatible with specific online needs.



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