Happy Valentine’s holiday everyone! Have you enjoyed love and leisure time on this holiday so far? We all know that it’s the time for Valentines and couples, and SkyVPN wishes you all the best wishes! Now we hold Valentine’s holiday event to get 1.5X extra traffic in SkyVPN during Feb.9 to Feb.11.
Tapjoy 1.5X traffic Duration:
Time: 12:00am PST Feb.9 – 11:59pm PST Feb.11
How: Open SkyVPN – “Get Premium Traffic” – “Complete Offers”, you will see Tapjoy offer wall.
If you can not see Tapjoy offer wall, please tap “Back” and then tap “Complete Offer “, you will see Tapjoy offer wall.
Get 1.5x traffic from all Tapjoy offers!!!
Have fun in SkyVPN! Best wishes!